Stuck in the mud

Being caught in a mudslide in the mountains of the Laos countryside may not seem like the type of event to inspire an Ah-Ha moment. In fact, it entailed hours of waiting on the side of the road, hoping to be dug out. But that may indeed have been the moment the idea of 32SPIRITS was born.

On our travels through the remote villages of Houphan Province, we happened to meet an expat who bluntly inquired, “What are you guys doing here?” Apparently, people don’t usually travel by road in rainy season because they can quite literally wash away. Chalk it up to a rookie mistake.

“But in this village”, we said, “we’ve found the most intricate and unique textiles—art pieces, really— and we need to find more.” We needed to follow this road to where it was meant to go.

I have to admit, there were moments we thought of turning back, but I’m glad we pressed on. Our adventure gave birth to new discoveries, new friendships and hopefully a new connection between the artisans of Laos and you.

Phew! Made it out

Sometimes you have to trust in the unseen forces that help along the way.


From earth to loom, from hand to heirloom